1. Introduction

By accessing and using the mystical portal known as MysticLores.com (“the Website”), you agree to abide by the following terms and conditions. If you do not agree with any part of these terms, please exit the enchanted forest immediately.

2. Cosmic Rules

a. Seeker’s Oath: As a seeker of hidden knowledge, you promise not to misuse the mystical energies within this realm. No hexes, curses, or unsolicited chain spells allowed.

b. Crystal Ball Etiquette: When gazing into the crystal ball (i.e., browsing our content), maintain reverence. No scrying for nefarious purposes.

c. Moonlit Navigation: Navigate the constellations (website pages) with care. Avoid disrupting ley lines (server stability) or disturbing the astral beings (other users).

3. Liability Limitations

a. Quantum Paradoxes: We are not liable for paradoxes caused by time loops, alternate realities, or unexpected butterfly effects resulting from your interactions with MysticLores.com.

b. Lost Artifacts: In case of lost artifacts (e.g., misplaced bookmarks, forgotten passwords), consult the Oracle (our support team). We’ll do our best to retrieve them from the astral plane.

4. Intellectual Property

a. Starborn Content: All mystical texts, moonlit poetry, and celestial images on MysticLores.com are protected by cosmic copyright. Seek permission before sharing or invoking them elsewhere.

b. Sigils and Glyphs: Our logos and sigils are sacred symbols. Unauthorized use may invoke the wrath of ancient deities (or at least a cease-and-desist letter).

5. Dispute Resolution

a. Tarot Mediation: In case of disputes, we shall consult the Tarot cards. The High Priestess will decide—her word is final.

b. Astral Court: If earthly courts get involved, they must convene under a full moon. Legal robes optional.

6. Trust and Starlight

a. Cosmic Bond: By accepting these terms, you join our cosmic fellowship. Trust is the stardust that binds us.

b. Celestial Cookies: Our cookies are not for consumption; they merely guide your astral journey. Review our Cookie Constellations for details.